What is varietal prejudice? You have all heard it and some of you have it! It's that phrase you hear a lot when out wine tasting, 'I don't like ___ (fill in varietal here)'. You know the one's who when offered a Chardonnay to start a tasting and you hear the nasally 'I don't like Charrdonnaayy!'

The reality is the weather, clone, vineyard, vineyard practices, harvest conditions, crush methods, the TLC, the storage container and style of the winemaker, can and often and will, make more difference in a wine than variety of fruit.
I don't like Merlot! Wanker!

Look there is no shame in using the dump bucket so go ahead and taste and for those wines you don't care for dump em! Give em a couple sniffs and a couple sips and think about what you smell and taste and then decide. The thing is, you may miss the best wine of the day if you don't give em a go.
So check your prejudice at the cellar door and dive into whatever is offered and who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised! Go on, av a go ya mug!
Happy Wine Adventures,
Kiwi & Koala
Yeah hear that all the time behind the tasting bar.